Amplifier suggestions please

Hi - I'm reworking a 2 channel system, had some very basic components and now trying to step up a bit.  DAC is currently a Schiit Yggy, I'm on the waiting list for a Freya+ which means I'll be running balanced connections.  Speakers are Philharmonic Audio 3's.  I was using a pair of Emotiva XPA-1L monoblocks (differential/balanced) but want to upgrade.  I could stay in the Schiit catalog and go with a pair of Vidar's but although there are no real bad reviews I feel like they don't quite get raved about like the Yggy does (and the Freya+ to some extent).  I'd like to stay around $2K, definitely under $3K and I prefer new (I've had my fill with trying used).  I know its asking a lot to find a pair of balanced monoblocks in this range so I'm not opposed to a stereo amp (XLR inputs).  I could also be talked into canceling my Freya+ order and switching to a preamp from the amp builder if there is better synergy in that pairing.  I've looked an Van Alstine and Odyssey, what else should I be looking at?


Showing 1 response by georgehifi

jumper75 OP
I could stay in the Schiit catalog and go with a pair of Vidar’s

Think about this, it could work very well, your speaker look great BTW with that planer midrange and ribbon tweeter and could be easily Bi-ampable with just a little moding, if you or have someone with a little knowledge can do.

Horizontal Bi-amping with a Class-A Schiit Agir on the mids and highs where it’s in it’s element.
And a Schiit Vidar for the bass, because the Vidar has 2db more gain than the Agir you will need a Schiit $49 Sys on the input of the Vidar to lower it’s volume a touch (once only).
And your Freya+ then controls the lot, and because the Freya+ has 2 sets of RCA outputs you don’t need a "Y" splitter

Cheers George