Amplifier Recommendations for Monitor Audio Silver 300 Speakers

Earlier this year I bought a pair of Monitor Audio Silver 300 speakers, I have been driving them with a vintage, but fully re-capped Yamaha CA-810 amplifier.  The amp sounds good, especially the phono stage, but I'd like to try a newer, modern amplifier. My budget is ~$1500.

My listening room is about 15' x 17' speakers are 10 ft away, and I usually listen at volumes of 65-75db.

I'm interested primarily in integrated amplifiers, preferably ones that include a built in mm/mc phono stage and/or dac. Specifically, I've been researching the Peachtree Nova220SE which Peachtree re-released and is selling on their site for $1099. This seems like an incredible deal and would leave a few hundred dollars left for an outboard phono stage.  I've also had my eye on the Onkyo A-9070 and Schiit Vidar/Saga combo.

Thoughts and advice would be much appreciated.  Also, is $1500 enough to see an upgrade in sound over my Yamaha or would I need to spend significantly more?
I am a Marantz fanboy, so will recommend them. When bench tested, their lineup regularly proves to be underrated on output. They have excellent built in phono stages. You can find some retailers currently selling the PM-8005 for $900 new (was $1200). If you are ok with used, you can pick up the PM-14S1 for $1,500 or less in like new condition. This would be a great fit with thos speakers. 
The MAs are a great match with tubes in general. I use them with a PrimaLuna DiaLogue integrated, excellent price / performance all around. Also agree Cayin or Rogue would work well too, both easier to find used. 
I think you might be hard pressed to beat your Yamaha for $1500 unless you buy used. I haven’t heard one of their vintage units in many years, but Yamahas tend to have a unique house sound, including their newest MOSFET amps. It’s not the most neutral, but presents string and piano notes with realistic "color." If you prefer it, prepare to be disappointed with many competitors. You might be able to find a used A-S1100 for $1500. Unlike most modern integrateds, its built-in phono stage (discrete design) is very good and extremely quiet.

Another great value is the Sony TA-A1ES. Even though it’s rated at something like 85 watts/CH, it’s not great for difficult loads or party volumes. However, if you listen at moderate volumes, they’re hard to beat for their used market price. They basically sound almost identical to the Parasound Halo - maybe just a hair better.

The Rogue CMII is also a nice amp. It had a very front-row presentation in my system, but fun nonetheless. Maybe a Magnum Mk1 can be found within your budget.

One thing worth mention: of the many integrateds I’ve owned/auditioned over the last few years, only Yamahas, a Cayin tube amp, and the aforementioned Sony were 100% free of audible transformer buzz. All others produced some level of buzz/hum through my speakers at idle, some louder than others.

I recommend Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 2 for your speaker.

I had been happy with the amplifier for the last 4 years.

It is made in USA with excellent customer service.

This tube amp will make speaker sound alive much better than Yamaha although Yamaha is not bad either.

It also has decent phono amp inside.

I have nothing to do above listing

Here’s the Day 1 review of the Toronto Audiofest with Roksan electronics paired up with Monitor speakers