Amplifier recommendation

I have acquire a Acurus A150 amplifier a few month ago that powered a few speakers. They are my DIY Dayton speakers( was my first speakers for a while), Paradigm Mini Monitor v3 and now the new acquire Triangle BR03. The Triangle sound amazing with the A150 but I want to try another amp with similar specs. The two I was interested is the Bryston 3B SST or the Coda Model 11. The preamp is a Rotel RC995 which has balanced output to as well as RCA.

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@samac Thanks for the recommendation. The RB-1590 does look sleek but for my speakers might be too much. The RB-1582 might be more suited for my taste. What about the mkii model? Is there an improvement from the original?

Odyssey Audio - Sonic bargain (very few of those) great reviews.
Audio by Van Alstine - high value, also has used gear on their website.  
Orchard Starkrimson - another option, fair/good reviews 

+1 @ozzy62 - be aware that some used amps need the extra cost of recapping to fix worn out parts


The 1582MKII is the one I’ve listened to. It shares the same characteristics of the 1590. It sounds great.

I believe the addition of balanced inputs was the biggest change to the 1582MKII from the original. They share the same overall design.



@kennyc Thanks! I heard great things about the Odyssey amps. What are you thoughts on the Khartago model compare to the Stratos model? They seem to have similar topology with the exception of more PS caps capacity on the Stratos model.

@samac the balanced connection is a plus. 


sorry, but I do not own.  However, the last 8yrs I’ve been deep researching for my analog + digital chain so I have extensive lists (OCD?) of good/great mostly current components. Demoed much gear at audio stores and audio shows.  My goal was to find the “subjectively” best sonics, then try to build my system to match within budget.

There is a lot of fantastic gear..for a price, also high value gear.  But gear that meets “bargain” sonics that punch way above their price point, is scarce.  I can maybe think of 5 or so I would truly classify as a bargain.

What I do know, is that Magico’s Alon Wolf, who makes some of the very best speakers, uses the Khartago  here