amperex 6922 options

can anyone tell me if there is a significant sonic difference between the bugle boys, vs the 7308's? also what is the best 7308? I see tons of options.

thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Tube777. I consider the 7308 CEP USA Amperex to be the highest quality 7308. This tube was designed for stringent military applications and manufactured (I think) in New York.

Select guaranteed samples of this tube are available from BWS consulting at 703-536-3910. I own this tube and consider it one of the best. As with all tubes, preference is largely dependant on the equipment it is used in, the overall sound and personality of the system and user preference.

I often choose to run 6922 Mullard or 6DJ8 Telefunken in place of the CEP 7308 for this very reason.