Amp Upgrade time, $6000 budget, used or new.

Amp upgrade time!!! What’s the most badass amp I can get for $6000 New or used. 
I’m currently bi amping my Martin Logan’s with an old mc7106. I want to move up. I’m not glued to biamping this time around, I just do it now because my gear is my gear, ya know? 

I would like fully balanced. 
So please help me pick my next big boy amp. 
Treated room. Speaker:
martin Logan esl x , rel t7i pair 
 t+a P3000hv
dac / phono
t+a DAC 8 DSD / nova phenomena 2+
streamer, tuner, Tt
metrum Ambre , marantz 20b, marantz tt15s1 
ic and power


Showing 3 responses by soix

There’s a pair of McCormack DNA1 monoblocks with Steve’s Ultra Platinum upgrades for $3500 on US AudioMart.  Pretty darn close to perfect IMHO. 
Hey @arctikdeth, I think we got it.  The horse is dead already.  You had me at...
do I own one, no.
Now please go take your meds. 
@soix take meds? Your attitude is arrogant, I’m a good person!and don’t deserve the sarcasm.
@arctikdeth — Aw.  You sound annoyed.  Let’s call it even.  As for being arrogant...
@soix McCormack is some mighty fine gear, serviceable, reliable, mable to call,and talk with the Steve himself!  But he Sanders Magtech is beyond even Steve’s amps.
When was the last time you heard any McCormack amp much less monoblocks with Ultra Platinum upgrades?  Yet you somehow boldly proclaim the Magtech is “beyond Steve’s amps.”  How’s that for arrogant?  Like I said, let’s just call it even.  

Peace out.