Amp Stands - Wood or Stone

I'm in the process of relocating my audio equipment to a side wall and need to place my amps, AGD Audions, on something.  Floor is carpeted.  Stands will be very small and won't be supporting much weight.  I have access to granite, marble, etc. (next to nothing scape from remodel jobs).  Also, have pretty good relationship with a serious wood worker who is happy to cut maple, oak, cherry, most any hardwood, etc.  Cost is not really an issue just looking for an opinion / logic around which material I should use.  At this point, I'm thinking 1 1/2 to 2 inch thick walnut on some kind of cone / spike legs. Sorry for maybe a dumb question!


Showing 1 response by roadcykler

See if you can get some of that fancy Cardas wood but beware, if the price per inch is equal to what they charge for those tiny cable supports (that do nothing for the sound), you'll be shelling out big $$$.