Amp repair

I have a Verastarr SSA-64 which has served me well until I crossed the cables on the speaker posts. I have tried to find someone locally to repair, but not having any luck. I have contacted Verastarr but they are not able to repair.  I am looking for any suggestions in the central PA, Philadelphia, Delaware or Maryland area.  I would prefer to take it in personally instead of shipping. Thanks in advance.

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I think the OP touched the wires together, that’s the way I read it. That would indeed short out an amp...I speak from experience. As long as I was in the high-end business, it’s bound to happen...a few times :-)

I found a couple of pics of the inside of this amp.  Man, this thing is stuffed!  I don't see any fuses, (they should have popped first...if used and installed?).  Maybe they use relays or something else?

If the OP can’t find someone local, I always recommend Stephen Sank at Talking Dog in Arizona. He IMHO, is one of the best techs in the country.

Post removed 

Posts are close together on the amp, and I had it in bridged mode and the cable end touched the pos and neg posts at the same time. Shorting it out. DA move.