Amp recommendations

Looking for some advice. My 25 year old amp has given up the ghost and I haven’t kept up with what’s good out there. Instead of sinking money in my existing amp, I’m thinking of replacing it. The amp that went bad is a Cary Audio CAD 300B (none of the tubes are working, one of the rectifiers flashes when turned on, I checked the tube fuses). The preamp is a Cary Audio SLP-70 (I recently had it checked out and retubed it). The speakers are Chapman T-7. I also have a Creek CD-60 and Project 1.2 turntable. Music Meter inter connects. My budget is around $4000 for a new amp. Is this a reasonable budget? What amp recommendations do you have? I’d prefer to stay with vacuum tube but if there are solid state amps that you’d recommend, please do so. I can provide specs on the components if needed. Thanks for your advice.

Showing 3 responses by russ69

It's a shame your 300B isn't working. With 4 - 300B power tubes this is an expensive amp to replace just the tubes much less other issues. I'd still hate to see it go to the junk yard.  I think your loudspeakers could benefit from solid state amplification. Your SLP will give you enough tube goodness to satisfy you. I can't recommend a specific amp but there are many products out there that would work with your system. Maybe visit your local dealer and look around. 
"... But my concern is then having an amp that’s underpowered (25 watts RMS) for my 90dB speakers..."

You need a more powerful amp, no question about it and it will perk up your system but please save the 300B if you can and use it for a second system.