Amp question for Maggies

I currently have an Audio Research D130 amp, was wondering has anyone tried or compared my current amp against Wyred 4 Sound amps, I was leaning towards trying the sx1000, or sti1000 amps. I know they are more powerful but would my Maggie 1.6qrs benefit from more power than I have or would it be a waste of time/money. I am a little curious as to sound quality be equal.


Showing 1 response by vinylzone

I just went from a PS Audio S300, which is similar in power to your D130, to a Bryston 4b SST2 for my 1.7is. The 500+ watts into 4 ohms, even at 90db average levels is quite noticeable. Transients are cleaner and more dynamic.

More power is better, or more like more current.

While the S300 is a fine sounding class D amp, the Bryston’s class AB with the added power is just better across the board.