amp for totem mani2

hi all
I am almost convinced to get the totem mani 2s.However, can anybody please advise me on room placement and also most importantly a amp to properly drive them and make them justice.
I ve read many times that they are hard to match...So what s the general consensus on those amps.Where should i start looking, what brands/models are no no.I will properly go for an integrated.Is the mcintosh range acceptable(ma7000 or 6600), may be the leema tucana.
Source is laptop(jrivers)in flac files via ayre qb9.I need balanced inputs.
sincerely yours
Also, any detail about room placement advice on the totem mani2s and dedicated stands (don t like the totem ones, prefer the timber looks of hifi racks podium5)will be gratefully appreciated.
Away from walls and the biggest juiciest best amp you can throw at them.

Well suited for Class D amps!
A friend had Mani-2s with a McIntosh MA-6900. His power guard lights would come on more often than he cared for. He listens at higher volumes than many people do, but it still shouldn't have gone into power guard that often IMO. I think it's due to Mac's use of autoformers. Something about keeping the same wattage regardless of impedance.

The Manis need a ton of power behind them. When you've got that and proper room placement/setup, they're one of the best speakers regardless of price. Anything short of that, and they're a very difficult speaker to live with.

I'd look at something like a Bryston 4B SST as a minimum with them IMO.
I generally agree with Meiwan - most critical is placement some distance into the room. I have mine on a diagonal about 3 ft from the wall - and they're about 7 ft apart (after a good deal of trial and change). I like the target stands - sand filled.

As for power amps - I'm not sure they're that particular but they need a lot of power. My amps are rated 400w/c @4 ohms and do nicely IMHO. I once drove them with a tube amp rated at 35 watts as a test, and just for fun. It was really, really nice, but only at low volume - this would not suffice for music with high dynamics.

Search the archives for more discussion on amps . . . there has been a fair amount of it.
Mani 2's can sound great with the right amp and the right space. Unfortunately, they need to be well away from walls and they need lots of power to drive them. I think you are looking at 150 wpc to get them to open up properly. The Target 4 post stands are very popular for this speaker (Sand filled of course).

Tons of choices in amps, depends on what you like.