AMP for 804 Nautilus

I am looking for a new amp currently have BK 7250 and Ref 30 looking for upgrade to drive the nautilus 804. What is a good amp outhere to take full capacity of the B&W I was thinking about Bryston, Classe, and Conrad Johnson. Also anybody have Classe 201 with Ref 30 B&K. Any suggestion thanks.

Showing 1 response by soix

I used to work for a high-end dealer who tried lots of amps that didn't work. Finally found that Primare(from Scandinavia) finally was able to open them up. Their stuff is relatively new to the U.S. so may be hard to find, but it's very attractive and built like a brick craphouse. I've since moved and have recently been to another well-resepected high-end store who also coincidentally found Primare to be a particularly good match for B&W. On a relative scale it's also priced attractively. Best of luck.