Amp and PreAmp, stick to the same brand?

Hi, I’ am new here.
 l have just bought an Amplifier : McItosh Mc8702. I’have bought it used.
Now, I’am tinking of a PreAmp replacement for my home cinema system.
McIntosh Mx122 has some featers that I do not need : streaming for example.
I already have a good streamer.
I was thinking about Krell Foundation 4k as a potential PreAmp.
It is not possible to try the Krell at home with my equipement.
Marantz or Anthem crossed my mind too but they are less highend audio than McIntosh.
A friend of mine told me to never have an Amp and a PreAmp of two different brands.
Any tought  about that ?

Thanks for your help.
I am not much of an aesthetic person.I am rather a sound guy,
even tough ,I am far from being an expert.
It is like living with a woman:the temper finaly wins over the appearance. For me anyway.
My old PreAmp, an Rotel model ( RSP 1069 ) is coming back from repair this week, ounce again . I am going to put it for sale .

I will take your views into consideration.
Thanks again.

Those that choose the same brand will say "Yes", those who do not will say "No".

After more than 40 years in this hobby, if you want to match aesthetics, then matching manufacturers makes lots of sense. As far as sonics go, it doesn't really matter, as long as certain impedance and gain matching is checked.
That is the another advantage of going with the same manufacturer, the impedance/gain matching is usually already done, so that you don't have to think about it.

For many years I had different combinations of amp and preamp from 2 different manufacturers. I have come full circle and now use a Mac tube preamp with a Mac power amp. Trust me when I say you will get more of the McIntosh sound this way. I have separate systems with McIntosh in both and I find I am listening to much more music now.

I have done a lot of equipment combinations and the idea that equipment from the same brand is "designed to work together" is really just a marketing ploy, in my opinion.  That being said, if you want to keep the McIntosh aesthetics to match your amp, by all means get a McIntosh MX processor. 

I generally recommend items based on the type of sonic signature the person is looking for.  In my experience, the McIntosh equipment is very full bodied, but laid back in a sense.

Krell Foundation is going to be very forward with a lot of attack and resolution.  It could be a good match to compensate for the laid back character of the McIntosh amp.

Marantz is very good stuff, especially the AV8802 or AV8805.  Keep in mind that they have a very large sales and distribution network and will be able to sell the item for less and still be able to get a return on investment.  You will get "more per dollar" on the Marantz than you would for a Krell or McIntosh.  It's hard to say what would ultimately sound the best (Krell / Marantz / McIntosh).  The McIntosh does have beautiful front panels, however.

Anthem is well liked.  However, I think it's slightly bright sounding.  It does use switching power supplies.