AMC 2100 or Emotiva UPA-200

I have sold my B&K ST1400 amp due to financial situation. Also lost my job due to COVID-19 so my budget is very limited. Right now I have looked at 2 brand, AMC 2100 or a Emotiva UPA-200 amp. This is going to driven by a Rotel RC-970BX preamp. I have a pair of DIY speakers with Dayton Audio drivers. Thanks in advance and happy listening
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
sorry to hear about your job loss . . . Hope you land on your feet.

as for amp selection, I know nothing about Emotiva, but have owned a few AMC amps as well as many different B&K amp, including the st1400.
It was some time ago but I recall being very happy with the 2100, especially for the $ I paid (~$120 brand new iirc). Not as smooth as the B&K, but very nice to listen to.
One of these AMC CVT-3030MkII integrated EL34 based tube amps sounded very nice to me in a friends small system, be nice if you could pick one up used somewhere in the US.

This guys way over the top with his price, I’ve seen them at half that.

Cheers George
Thanks for your responses. George hifi,  is true about the cvt-3030. It difficult to find one in my area.