
A couple of years ago I purchased a used but in excellent condition, VPI Scout turntable. The previous owner included a Dynavector 20x2 high output cartridge which I was very excited about.

I got it all set up, grounded, stabilized and isolated etc and couldn't wait to put on some vinyl, sit back and enjoy! I don't remember what album I put on but the result was, I HATED the sound. It was excruciating! I tried tweaks, cleaning, changing didn't matter I HATED the sound! Way too bright, harsh, grating on my ears. I gave up! and have spent the last year and a half only listening to CD's.

About a week ago, I for some reason decided to give the TT and cartridge another try. I put on a record, fired it up and something amazing happened! it sounded incredible! Smooth, detailed, open, balanced...NONE of the characteristics that I heard and hated months ago!

My question is, WHAT happened??? HOW?

Nothing else changed in my system. I have tried multiple albums, various types of music. They all now sound amazing. I can't wait to spend time relistening to my vinyl collection and adding more! I had pretty much given up on vinyl but that has all changed! ....Welcoming thoughts.


Believe it or not, the mood you are in has a lot to do with the listening experience. Could be something as simple as that.


I tried many different vinyl music choices (and I take very good care of my music collection) before finally giving up and being "angry" at the cartridge. At least that was where my ire was placed at the time. Now nearly all of my collection sounds great! At the very least listenable and enjoyable.

Is there any possible way a cartridge would "break-in" while sitting unused for a year?

Is it possible that you had it plugged into a non RIAA corrected input? Meaning, and input without the phono preamp in it?  That would make it sound as you described no matter what record you played.  Anyway, glad you have things sounding better now.

You said: “Nothing else changed in my system.” How about you? Have you changed? A year and a half can be a long time depending on your age. Do the CDs still sound the same? Food for thoughts.