AM Station coming in through my outlet

Hi, I am glad to be back to this site. Back to my question, I bought a Audio Sniffer v2.0 to hear the quality of my AC. So far in my room where I have my system the ac seems to be clean. As I use the sniffer throughout the house, I notice the difference in ac noise but worse is in the kitchen. When I plug audio sniffer in one of the outlet, I get strong, almost clean, AM station coming through and it pretty loud too. Does anybody have this problem at this magnitude? Thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
"What surprise me is that their transmitter towers are 15 miles away and the station about 30 miles."

That you know of - in my case it was small local station (probably few kW) within a mile.
What surprise me is that their transmitter towers are 15 miles away and the station about 30 miles.
Most likely you have kitchen outlets on the phase that local radio station is on while the other outlets are on separate phase. I have outlets divided half-half between two phases in my house.
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