Am I right for this forum?

I’ve been an Audiogon member for some years now; I remember (fondly) "millercarbon," for example, which will mean something to some of you. And I’ve been a lover of audio equipment since high school—so, for over 50 years (I graduated in 1973). And yet...more and more, I find myself alienated from this forum, even though I do still read it regularly.

I do have what I consider a very "high-fidelity" system. I’ve written a very long account of my "audio journey," complete with many photos, but not "published" it on this site. I’m also a member of our local audio club, which includes several very well-heeled members who have systems costing more than most homes (one of them owns equipment valued at nearly a million dollars, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg: his system is housed in a separate structure purpose-built for it that cost well over a million). I play cello and guitar; my wife plays piano, my daughter piano and violin. We play those instruments in the same room occupied by my main audio system, and so I can attest to the "fidelity" of that system’s reproduction.

And system cost me less than $3,000 in total. I don’t lust after any particular "upgrade," even though I read reviews and all the many accounts of improvements in "SQ" documented in this forum. I an "audiophile," or not? Do I belong here, or not?

I’m listening right now to a wonderful bit of Mozart. I also love Tool. And Christy Moore. And Eva Cassidy. And so many others. I agree with Nietzsche: without music, life would be a mistake. But am I an audiophile? Do I belong on this forum?

Any sympathy here? Anyone else feel alienated from the "audiophile community" despite loving the miracle of audio technology?


Showing 11 responses by asvjerry

@tomic601...regards to my hometown city, the 110, 105, & 405 when in LB....not sure when/if I /we ’get back to where I once....’

....the more it changes, the more it stays the same.....😏

But most of that I'd recognize likely doesn't exist anymore.....

@snilf ....if you've still doubts about self and your 'audio bent' (ignoring 'phile' and the connotations of such)....

You Belong.  The fact that you've not only faced some slings 'n shots and hung in is one characteristic needed here.....

#2: You personally, and with the family, Play Music IRL.  Light years ahead of many here....mho.
I don't sadly....don't have the muscle memory for the art....

@mapman ....OK, 'Wiz....since you've got your wand in hand, I'll take a Lotto win...pulease..... ;)

SOTA = What many of us can't rationalize...BUT it drags up the mid$ stuff in the long haul in my 50ish years (Class of '69: The only year worth a snicker....*L*)

I miss MCarbon to some degree; others that have left for 'other venues' or just the raw end of well.  One can only hope that some do as well....

OP, I'd understand if some consider yours unruly as a troll-ish sort....'s the 'why and/or what for' that may confuse....

Don't forget to return, J ;)

@mahgister  ...there's a variant of the FFLS that expands upon it. *S*

I'll dredge it up and see if I can get the pdf to stick....

... even the afflicted can grasp it.... ;)

@tomic601 ... I'll put that on my dance card, but the Pac NW is most likely when we @ AshPlay get a client with taste, money, 'a Vision', mo' money, and a desire to take the Treehouse Master Mob to task.....and even more $s' ....

(We'll need someone to shoot vids and droning.....ley lines in the land...*mystic move*....."....always wanted to 'do' a FLW in the trees...." )

We shall Do Better than th' Peel, yezz....but, if we must....a round, a fat rounder, and off to see what one sees 'round here....

Intermissioned under Interlude 

Bring the car comfy 'nuff to make the Real Road Rallye 2X and you can meet The Dragon and some other nifty drives....

Bear in mind (got those, too) that AVL was once called "A Cesspool Of SIN!" by a NC House rep during an election run-up 'while back...

...which we'all thought amusing and printed shirts... ;)

C'ya on the pm

@deep_333 ....I've refrained from posting pics since imho most would be bored and unimpressed....  'SOTA' only in the State Of That Affordable v. Stuff Of Transient Admiration. ;)

Due to changes, the space occupied by it, me, and the speaker array has been shrinking due to growth in our company.

Since we've a 'live/work' situation, the 'less essential' gives way, the 5 pairs of speakers become a 'fat line array' with the LG 55" betwixt...

Ever wall hang a pair of SMGa Maggies' upside down?  Since they're not known for their bass qualities, no huge loss.... :)

The only pairs (2~3) left to 'roam' (kinda) are the omnis', which vary in intent and their elements......and the driving elements of which, my Gratefully Undead Wall with it's A+D Divide....

"Where the digitals and the analogs play..."

I try to enjoy where I happen to be; that which I collect to move that along doesn't absolutely have to be Perfect to make me smile.

Overtime, things change, additions, deletions, and the irrational 'fondness' for the concept of 'retirement'....

Long time local biz contact came by to check out some stock logs, asked 

"'du ya like retirement?" *big G*

😏 "...'Bout the same way you do...'When the *uck does it start?!' "

I can relate to Marvin's ("Your Friendly Robot Pal!") lament onboard the Heart Of Gold some dayz......

"Brain the size of a planet....and they have me opening doors...." 🤖😒

@tvad  ....I'll give you my 'insincere code' and watch you melt?

That ought to be a 1st for the 'gone.... ;)

I have more 'fun' doin' what I do with what I've brun to run than the *ahem* mere 'plug 'n play'.....

@bdp24 ....*hmmm*  Personally, I'd flip that equation....but recent developments have made that almost moot...

"...the 'classical and stereotype ' of The Audiophile is a wonkish sort, garretted away 'midst neat crates filled with LP records, with the lone scatter of albums next to the 'Philes' Touchstone:

THE audio reproduction equipment, an escape hatch to the more perfect world of music.
The Investment of a Lifetime."

Apply Sorta SOTA v.II 

The Age of Sand is upon us....sand?

Yup....'cleaned up dirt'

One no longer needs to stash fragile vinyl discs, aging acetate tapes, or even the polycarb discs.  Just a decent computer and an acceptable link to everything 

Everywhere.  In less time that it took you to type in (or even, scroll & clic) the address...or state what it is you've in mind...🤷‍♂️😎

All the equipment to reproduce is shrinking...with exceptions, Yes.

Speakers will remain disputed Forever.

Give up....*L*

When they vary from 'lil buds stuffed into your head to forklift behemoths with an amp appetite to match.....

Agreement is Futile.  Even 2 owners of the same unit will focus on the dissimilar...

The 'Gon is the place where one can go and be assured that everyone there likes music in their own fashion and tastes, and has grown to appreciate hearing it in the best fashion possible with whatever makes it improve in doing so.

The rest of it is our personalities showing...towards that:

I'm in it for the *LOL*s'.   Aaand the *cringe* factor fobiles that *pop*

"My 5K wpc 24 chan amp just ate the microwave and has got my wife cornered...

Any suggestions?!  Please help, I don't know how long I can hold it back by it's ac line cable....

Thanx, @dRDawgduhThrud"

(Side bet:  1st response will be "Let go."  Prize = Doing it.)

I learn various 'n sundry lurking about....acoustics, audiotrivata, What's HotvNot, the exchange rates and the spark strikes where the 'heat' is almost palpable...

Instructive and fun....and civil in our own 'Gon Way..... :)

Cheers, Gentlefolk.



@brev ... No entrance fee, no bribes. no bouncers....well, not obvious ones on the 1st, none would seem to work on the 2nd (but no party hinting at any, either).

As for the 3rd.... getting a post of yours ’bounced off’ is the most typical, getting blocked from and off the ’Gon will require you to have to ’work at it’ and raise your own rabble to root you out.

How much you’ve spent on equipment is really up to you. If you’re one that feels ’something’ in your Camery when a lot-new mid-engine Stingray is in the next lane, it’ll help to have a thick-enough ’skin’ when names and numbers are shuttlecocked (ref. = badminton) about....

Current ’seat of the pants’ on mine? 3K$ if I really strung it out. Some bought new, most used (7~8/10), the rest my DIY, this ’n that....

Buy it all new, capable of doing what it does now? Given advances but similar....

’Bout....bottom of 10K$...given how I shop for such.

One can easily, in this audio ’endeavor’, it’d be easy to tack another ’0’ left of the comma...
...but I don’t suffer from appliance envy...Oh, for sure, I’d pref a Lotus over the ’vette...and potentially cheaper trills as well... ;)

But, here.....Run whatcha’ brought.....Music over the Means, afterall....

What’s important is what is to you. 👌👍😎

Go forth and listen.

@uncledemp ....Oh, I dunno, UncaDee *tease* I don’t think the various levels of ’density’, or for that matter, ’xtremisms’ are that much greater than the general pop.

For all the pixel space I turned to waste ’round here, no entity has yet to mention meeting outside ’wherever’ for the ’back2back/10/turn/Suvive’ routine.

If challenged I demand the choice of armament.

Surgical tubing rubber bands

Best you can do is bury the combatant with them. ;)

@snilf  ....yeah, stick 'round....get to learn all manner of audtrivia, and the compulsions that steer that.... ;)

@whart .... Bill?  Jerry.... *screen fist bump*

@tomic601  ....."Nerf Canons"......?

( dam sentimental......oh, well.. *sounds of rustling in a drawer....* Ah....

*Nerf-Hypo, pre-dosed withhhh....*.yes 😎😏 )

" 601 was found face-down in a field of daffydills, over a 'corn hole' the size of which is amazi              "

*bip*Technical Difficulties <> Please Stan*bip*ounty Officials are bemused.

We here at Newz4kdU have never seen the like...*head shake*

...back to you...."




'tomic?  Oh, good....

It's all a dream....that one, and This.... ;)