Am I being fair?

Recently I posted a add on Audiogon for a VAC amplifier, in the add I stated "preference given to local buyer", the amp is heavy and it's stressful sending gear across the US, even when it's insured. What happened, the first day of posting the add, I had many reposes, and a local gentleman was #10 of the people who were interested in the amp, he stopped by my house and bought it right away. When I informed some of the other e-mailers to the add, the amp was sold, some were upset, saying I should sell to the first person who contacted me. I never made any commitments to selling the amp to any of the e-mailers. Couple of the people are threatening to give me a negative feedback. Should we sell to the first person who responds to the add? Just wanted a opinion from other member if they have come across this situation also, thanks.
Ohlala: If you read Paul's post and take him at face value, how did he execute less than tactfully? He may have said in his response to the e-mails that the buyer was not the first to respond, but that he was local. By stating in the ad a preference for a local buyer, he covers that. As a seller, I have no obligation to sell to the first guy that responds; if I have a bad feeling about a response (no feedback, negative feedback, wacky questions, etc) I'll wait for someone I feel comfortable with. There's an expression in the business I work in that I kind of like; it goes "it's not yours to buy, it's his (or hers) to sell.
You did nothing wrong and if the communication is as you say it is, (1) they'd have NO reason to post a negative and (2) IMO - according to audiogons guidelines, there is nothing that would support a negative post.
Ask them if they are familiar with the term, "pound sand!"?
1) Feedback is transactional based, it is not: "I saw it first" based. Not to over look the fact that anyone that would make such a statement is displaying a good indication of why exactly you never wanted to deal with them anyway...

2) Your ad stated you preferred a local buyer (per your thread here). You found a local buyer. This is about as cut and dry as it gets. Forget "Fair". You are simply correct per your stated terms.
The first person with the money wins; thats it. Unless you promised it to somebody else or were holding it for somebody; oterwise don't worry about.

A few months ago I responded to an ad and was told by the seller that he had received so many responses he was going to turn it into an all out bid with the unit going to the highest bidder. I was somewhere in the middle of the responses so I bowed out. I informed him that this was not good practice and that he should consider each offer in the order received. He was a pretty nice guy and a bit overwhelmed by the situation so I just let it slide, but he said there were many upset people.

Paul, your situation isn't the same as the one I described. You were quite clear in your ad and haven't done anything wrong. Rest easy.