Alternatives to Dunlavy speakers?

With Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business, what are the best alternatives to Dunlavy IV/A and V speakers?

Showing 2 responses by tireguy

Someone get that man a tissue! Sorry Brauser I don't agree completely. I agree they are a good value but better can be had for the same money, and they are OK but I understand why everyone isn't rushing out to get a pair, they aren't that resolving and so damn laid back I find it hard to listen for extended periods of time without my mind wandering. I am glad you like them but saying any speaker is that fantastic is a bold statement only a few can claim and I don't consider Dunlavy in that elitest group. I am sorry they are going because not much else is available like them, but they didn't make it- such is life. fwiw many companies test EVERY speaker before it leaves and include a print out- hell the last car stereo speakers I had came with frequency chart thing(they were focal drivers) Enjoy the tunes :) I am sure if you ever move from Dunlavy there will be something available for your ears at the time.
9rw- The test spec sheet proves nothing which is why I was making the reference to the audiom TLR tweeters(retail on the tweeters alone was $2400 for the pair, so they were pretty serious car speakers- but any ways) spec sheet, frequency response is going to be SOOOOOO different from room to room and for that matter from car to car, they have other ways of testing tonal accuracy and linear excursion but again even that is still pretty pointless. I am not saying these are bad speakers, not in any way just not the last word in performance- to my ears. Happy listening everyone.