Alpha Core TQ2 hum?

I have greatly enjoyed the performance of these Triode Quartz IC's by Alpha Core. However, they produce a low frequency hum when connected to tube or solid state preamps/power amps, no matter which way the cables are arranged in the system. Specifically, when connected with the tube amp the transformers emits a low but noticeable hum, while the solid state amp produces a rhythmical, recurring hum. The grounding scheme used in the cable appears to be intact, however. It would be great to be able to utilize these IC's as they are very open and transparent in their "sound". Has anyone run into this situation with their TQ2 interconnects?  



Okay. It is interesting that the mids and highs seem to be accentuated more than other cables, which gives an impression of improved resolution of detail. As to the hum, I would hope there is way to solder a better ground path into the cable, without taking away the elevated musical signal. Anyone care to venture an idea?

Alpha Core is probably the cable with the highest reactance and not at all linear compared to just a simple wire. They do that so you can "hear differences", but in reality total waste of money. Try to connect generic $5/pr interconnects from Walmart and you'll be surprised how better they can outperform expensive Alpha Core.