Allnic tube dac

Allnic has introduced the Allnic D-10000 dac, a tube design with what looks like an interesting analogue stage. Has anybody out there got a listen, yet?


Showing 3 responses by charles1dad

After a period of usage, they had made it known, they were not able to fully rest and enjoy the music, as they had with other owned Amp's. There was always a proportion of thought reserved for the concern for the Amplification running quite Hot

If it led to this degree of concern and angst, then their decision to replace the Graaf was wise. Why own something if you can’t relax with it and trust it?



Unfortunately, this inherent caution also extends to the idea of using a Valve DAC with similar Topology and Circuitry in the system. I do hope I cross paths with the design and can experience what it can offer

I hope that you’re able to encounter with this DAC and hear it yourself. I will point out that Atma-Sphere Audio has been manufacturing and selling OTL amplifiers for “decades “ very successfully. They have acquired a reputation for exceptional reliability as well. Are you (And your EE colleagues) not familiar with them?

I strongly suspect that Allnic has their OTL components sorted out before placing them into the High End audio marketplace.
