AirPlay - "Best" solution help...



My goal is to build a cost-effective, high-quality, AirPlay-based streaming solution and I seek your help.

(I have chosen AirPlay for MANY reasons and would prefer not to debate its merits, please;-)


My simple needs are only two channel, one room, iOs only, independent system consisting (today) of:


Belles Soloist 1 Integrated amp (possible Aria soon)

Apple TV(Gen3)>TOSLINK>iFi SPDIF iPurifier> Peachtree DACit

Dynaudio Focus 140s (Special 40s in the mix)

MacBook Pro server running Audirvana+.

DH Labs cables


Yes, I know that the DAC needs upgrading. But, this set up sounds pretty good. It’s in the budget.

My room is small (9x13’), in the basement, well insulated with dedicated AC lines. I have had all kinds of systems over the years.


Options to improve the AirPlay/DAC “front end” include:


1.       Get an Apple Airport Express and a better DAC with jitter attenuation

2.       Get a streamer like Bluesound (does AirPlay) and a better DAC

3.       Get a combined streamer/DAC (Cambridge Audio, Auralic, etc.)


My budget peaks at about $1,500 all-in for the time being. Am aware of the jitter issue and of products from Empirical and W4S

My current thinking is to get an AAE (doesn’t upsample like ATV) and a Benchmark DAC2 or a Bluesound Node 2i and a Mytek Liberty.

Welcome all thoughts here.




Showing 2 responses by hk_fan

"im sure the Micromega is “killer”. For $4,500, it better be...;-)"

Yeah, but it's an all in one, so you can sell off the rest of your system.  :)