Apple AirPlay 2

I’ve been using the AirPort Express to stream music around the house for several years using AirPlay, now upgraded to AirPlay 2.  Everything is working great and I like using the Apple Music platform to stream a well curated Apple Lossless (CD) library.

Sadly, Apple discontinued the AirPort Express last year, and while all is working perfectly for now, I realize that I will eventually need to move to a new solution.  One option is the Bluesound Node 2i, which I like, but I’ll mainly only be using it for AirPlay 2, and don’t have much need for the BluOS app.  The new Sonos Port is another option, but it only has a coaxial digital output, and I need to use optical (Toslink) into a MiniDSP 2x4 HD.

Is there an AirPlay 2 *ONLY* option with an optical (Toslink) output?

My goal is to get the best sound out of AirPlay 2.

Thanks for reading!

I haven’t posted in a while, but I’ve been watching and reading.  I’m getting bored during this lockdown.

After months of trying different AirPlay 2 streamers, I have settled on the Sonos Port and Bluesound Node 2i.  Both sound great, but to my surprise, the tweaked Sonos Port sounds awesome.  I realize I’m limited to 16/44, but I haven’t heard 16/44 sound sooooooo good.