AI-Written Stereophile Articles

Has anyone else noticed that some of Stereophile's articles are sounding decidedly "off" and just plain badly written? I have now read several that sound suspiciously like they're AI generated (bizarre phrasing, odd syntax, etc.). Just curious if others are noticing the same.


AI done right is good for certain things. They tend more to be objective not subjective things.

So in the case of hifi audio I could see using AI to help get facts straight in a product review. It may even be possible for AI to provide an accurate assessment of what something truly sounds like. People are more error prone doing that and less reliable if the AI is done right.

However people are very good at offering opinions. AI might do that also . In which case then the question becomes whose opinions will you value most? Nothing new there.



Reading my post above, I wanted to add that I have worked in large to middle sized corps my entire career and have met many wonderful people that are still friends after retirement.

This is just to add that I am not anti-corporation by nature as some are.

I read Stereophile and TAS and I've also noticed a decline in writing quality. I have attributed this to a lack of editing. I think that the editors now just check for factural accuracy and let the articles go through with poor wording.

Let's face it; it's hard to make a review about a DAC interesting. What can you say that hasn't been said before? I suspect some of what we are seeing is the result of the reviewers trying harder and harder to say something original. 

I never thought about A.I. being a potential cause of this but I think that A.I. wouldn't be particularly good for writing audio equipment reviews. Maybe I just don't understand the capabilities of A.I. but the weird phrasing and odd syntax we are seeing is probably a clue that A.I. isn't being used. A.I. is better than that.

It’s very easy to find out what AI thinks about hifi topics. Just download an app like Poe and ask away. No need to wait for Stereophile to cover your topic of interest. Warning: Your life may never be the same again!