Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?

Candidate 1: Affordable at about 3K


Candidate 2: Ultra expensive at 50K.


So what's the difference?


Giving some thought ( I Really 'Do' that, if only for the shock value ), one can compare speaker 'valuation' contrasted to violins...

A 'student' vs. a Strad.  And then there's everything in between. ;)

Now, taking into consideration... the Listener.

Last, but certainly, not the least....

The Operator, bow in hand.

Obviously, the student could torture you with a Strad.

And the talented could make an 'entry level' instrument sing.

(Granted, the latter might still sound like it was made with scraps, but it would be as good as one could experience....😏 )

I've always considered loudspeaker to each have their own 'voicing'....not an unusual approach to be sure.  We all have our tastes, preferences, and of course, budget as to the 'company we keep' to recreate a performance of some sort.

The latter applied to speakers that perform to the levels of that which supplies the copy of the performance played has it's own synergy.  And then there's the room.

...unless bought for the 'brag' of it all.  Then you're weirder than me. *L*

@rixthetrick  Nice of you to consider me a surgeon of sorts....*G*

There are moments when a prehensile tail would be really handy.  Understand why the species gave them up, but certainly they may have gotten one in trouble vs. useful in the day2day...

No, more the 'Butcher of Cones', a Visigoth Vandal, a Walsh Wastrel.
( I kinda like the 'barbarian' tone of it all....Frank N. Stein ain't got nuthin' on me...)

First attempted in the early '00's, a diversion from The Great Pursuit

Over time, it's actually been more fun overall. *S*

'BluTack'?  No, but thanks for the 'heads up' to not try.... ;)

More interested in a means to invert the basket....and of course, some baskets need not apply.

At that juncture, one goes mfr. hunting,

Or buys a lot of stuff...*L*

Jerry, fantastic gal with strad and bow in hand …has same speakers as me, yowsa…you win a prize !

good on ya


I purchased a pair of JBL M2 along with 2 Crown Itech 5000HD amps, and placed them in a large dedicated acoustically treated room.  Got everything on discount at Guitar Center for $13,500 to which I later added the JBL Sub18 and another Crown Itech 5000HD amp.  So cheap.   Sounds better than my Salon 2/Classe/DCS  in another system  I own, and competitive with Vandersteen and Wilsons auditioned at local dealer.  The dynamic range and imaging is staggering.  Not necessary to spend big bucks to achieve state of the art.  Carefully place accurate well measured speakers in a large dedicated room with sensible treatment, give them tons of power, and supply them with a well mastered source and you are done.

Post removed 

The only way to answer this question is to listen to both in the same room in a blind test! If told what you’re listening to is the $50K speaker, the placebo effect kicks in - your mind not your ears tells you these have to sound better with zero evidence.

Everyone on this site loves to intellectualize the sound with fancy adjectives that fall short in conveying what you hear. Its like watching a youtube video on your computer of a speaker demo- what’s the point you’re listening thru computer speakers.

Forget all specs and listen. If after listening, you like the $3K speakers better- so be it! Its the sound you like. Enjoy!