Affordable Processor with Fabulous 2 Channel ?


I'm using my Mytek Brooklyn DAC as a pre for music and TV. It is fabulous sounding but I really would like to have 5.1 channel surround, and a single remote! 

Is there an affordable processor (used OK) that has at least as good 2 channel performance? Emotiva is right out. I owned one, and it sounded thin as paper. I note that there are a lot of Krell processors for sale at reasonable prices. 



Showing 2 responses by soix

"But high end pre pros like the Classe SSP 800, Classe Sigma SSP, Bryston SP3, Meridian Ref 861 v8 are great for both stereo and surrounds (HT) and can function as high end stereo preamps."

Yup.  I completely agree.  But as multichannel formats and connectivity change as they undoubtedly will, you're stuck with these processors that at some point will not be upgradeable to new formats.  This is one of the main reasons I recommended buying a relatively cheap AVR for processing and spending relatively more money on a good stereo preamp.  If I have a quality stereo pre like the Pass X-2.5 or the Hegel P20 (and yes, I'd challenge even good prepros to match their stereo performance) at the heart of my 2-channel system, do I care too much if video processing or connectivity change in the future?  No.  I just swap in a new and relatively cheap AVR to handle that stuff and go on my merry way with my quality stereo pre -- thank you very much.  Spending the same or more right now to buy a soon-to-be outdated prepro that has a good stereo preamp section makes little sense to me since you'll end up with a boat anchor in the near future when A/V standards inevitably change.  If 2-channel audio is the priority, THIS MAKES ZERO SENSE TO ME.  Why pay for all those expensive multichannel DACs and processors in a high-end prepro if that's not the priority of the system in the first place?  And, by the way, those multichannel features, which are of secondary importance to the OP in the first place, will be THE FIRST things to be obsolete!!!  WHAT???  Again, if 2-channel is the priority -- and with a DAC at the level of a Mytek Brooklyn DAC -- why would you pay so much for stuff that is of secondary importance and will go the way of the Dodo in relatively short order?  Again, if stereo is the priority this older, high-end prepro route makes absolutely NO sense to me.  That's all I got.  Again, best of luck in your decision and peace out. 
Well, if 2-channel is your top priority I'd do it a little differently in an effort to put more of your budget toward stereo and less on the multichannel electronics.  If this sounds like you, read on.  And if not, just disregard.

With your budget I'd buy a Yamaha RX-A870 (a pretty respectable AVR with a good track record of reliability unlike many others, and you'll get all the latest tech versus an older prepro) from Accessories4Less for $550 and use that for multichannel processing duties and amplification for your center and surrounds if needed.  With the remaining $1500 or so I'd buy a good, used stereo preamp with a HT bypass input.  You may already know this, but you can then just hook the front L/R preouts from the AVR (which the RX-A870 has) to the HT bypass input on the stereo pre and you're done.  You can then seamlessly switch between stereo and multichannel just by changing the input on the stereo pre, and the best part is that for critical 2-channel listening the AVR is completely out of the the signal path.  Best of both worlds!  Only downside is that you'll need one additional pair of interconnects to connect the AVR to the stereo pre (that you may have lying around anyway), and you'll have one additional box in your system -- if that's an issue.  I used this setup for years before I had a dedicated listening room and it was a lifesaver -- even my wife could use it without a problem, and that's saying something.  

Ok, if you're with me so far, right now there's a Pass Labs X-2.5 and a Hegel P20 for sale here for around $1500, and I think both offer a HT bypass.  Frankly, with your wonderful DAC I think you'll get much more out of its performance capabilities in critical 2-channel listening with either of these steeeo pres than any prepro you'll get for $2k, at least IMHO.  

As as for the remote, I'd drop a few bucks on a decent universal remote that will make your life a little easier and more pleasurable on a daily basis than any remote you're likely to get from a prepro.  If the Yamaha comes with a learning remote you might be able to just get by with that though. 

FWIW, this is absolutely what I'd do if 2-channel is your priority.  Best of luck!