Affordable Grounding

My Frankenstereo has assorted grounding elements behind the rack.    The head end of the streaming chain is in another room.  At the wall outlet, there’s Nordost QBase 4 Mk II – with a ground lug.    

I tried this inexpensive grounding tweak clipped on to the lug.  Subtle – but it works.  More transparency.    Probably similar results with the Puritan Ground Master – and other brands.  Worth a try!  Certainly more affordable than an Entreq.    I purchased the cheapest one with the copper wire/paper cylinder.  (Not a fan of silver-plated wire.)


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That's not how grounding works.  That's an alligator clip, a piece of wire and a wood block (an insulator).  

Your Nordost component is (should be) grounded through it's power cord to your power outlet, which in turn should be connected (bonded) to the grounding of your home.  That's usually at or near the electrical panel.