Affordable alternativ to the PS Audio DirectStream DAC

I have borrowed a DirectStream DAC from my dealer very nice of him because he knows that I can't afford it (:
I have to say it is everything I have ever wanted from a streamer/dac. Music just pouring out of my speakers, real sweet music.

Voices just sounds so real, everything is in place, there are details but not in your face. I just love it. This is like music should sound.

I am using it with a PrimaLuna HP integrated. Very nice combo.

The DirectStream DAC junior is discontinuing and I can't get my hands on a used one.

If you have heard the DirectStream DAC and know of another dac sounding as musical -- let me know   

Showing 2 responses by jackd

If your looking for a DAC only the closest you make come to the DS at a lower price may be a used Aqua La Voce S2.  I own both and they are both in a similar vein.  My S2 is headed back to Italy for the S3 upgrade after the Munich show. 
Audio Doctor

The point here is we don't really know what he is looking for.  He only mentioned the DS Sr. in  the context of it being a DAC and at no time mentioned the Bridge II.  So until he clears up what he wants then we are all just guessing.  As he said he was looking for a lesser priced and similar sounding DAC to the  DS Sr. then the S2 fits the bill and as I said I own both.  Whether that is true of the S3 I won't know until Mark sends it back and it is broken in.  If he wants a streamer/DAC combo then one of the Lumin's with the Wolfson chip fits the bill and yes I have owned one of those too. Whether or not the newer Sabre based units fit the bill I won't guess as I have never heard one and am not selling them.  I would guess on based on hearing them that the AKM based Teac Reference/Esoteric units would come closer.