Aerial 5T impressions

Any owners of Aerial 5T out there that want to share their impressions?

I currently have B&W CM6S2's..
They are very detailed speakers with good bass. Sometimes the highs are a little on the bright side and I was listening to a pair of the Aerial 5T's.  They sound more neutral to me with less emphasis on the extreme high end.  Beautiful build quality. 

If you have similar or other experience with them I would  e very interested. 


Showing 4 responses by luxmancl38

The 5T's are easier to drive as I own both the B's and the T's. I have a Bryston 2.5 SSTs w/the 5T's also Parasound will also match well. W/5's a 200 WPC Forte 6.
I listen to a lot of Jazz and acoustic blues and Jazz. W/that music you really don't need a sub just keep the Speakers around 18" from the back wall. Having said that you will get an added benefit to larger ensemble music w/a sub. I use a Paradigm PDR-8 sub. For the ultimate I would suggest the Rel 7Ti.

I posted back in 2017 that I bought a pair of 5T's. I've upgraded my amp to a Bryston 3B cube added a Luxman CL38Use preamp and a JL Audio D-110 but my 5T's have remained in the system. They produce great music. 

Room is 12 ft wide and 18 ft long. Speakers are 2 ft from the long front wall and 8 ft from my listening position. Prior to that I had an original pair of Aerial 6B's which were front ported.