Advice on set up. Am i making a mistake with my Amp?

Current system :

Speakers: 2 Martin Logan Motion 20 (Response 46-25000hz, 4,6,8ohm rated, 90db sensitivity, 20-200watts per-channel) bi-wired w/ Monolith wire & 1 Definitive Technology pro-sub8
Amp: Rotel RA-12 integrated amp Class AB 60watts @ 8ohm per channel
DAC: Moon by SimAudio 100D w/ external linear PSU which is then connected to a Musical Fidelity X-10V3 line buffer.
CD Player: Sony blueray bdp s300 & Marantz CD5003 (connected to DAC w/ toslink)
Turntable: Rega P1 w/ P2-3 glass table & wool mat upgrade
Phono pre-amp: Musical Fidelity X-LPS V3
Power: Panamax M5100-PM line conditioner

All wires besides speaker wire are Audioquest Golden Gates or their equivalents.

I’m pleased with the sound but not emotionally thrilled especially from the digital playback. Vinyl does sound have a lot of life depending on the recording.

This is why I’m asking for help, I don’t have the experience with components to understand the relationship between components.  

My budget is fluid, meaning I look for value and quality. I know i have a bit of champagne tastes with a prosecco budget and the sky is the limit when it comes to full bodied audio. I'm not looking for that at the moment but just feel like something inst paired properly. 

Thanks everyone! All advice is welcome!!!

Image link to current setup.
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Chuck thank you so much for all the effort you put into writing your response. It was HUGELY helpful and really emphasize how this is a process and a journey rather than a turn key operation.  

I did not know that about audioquest and am not curious about the synergistic research as i am not familiar with them. Many years ago i used to run Tributaries and started buying audioquest since its a local business to me. 

I am highly impressed with the attention to detail placed into your room. A characteristic which is clearly recognizable in how methodical your response was to my questions. 

That is amazing that items placed in the vicinity could make such a large impact on spacial imaging. I knew that the corner and wall were horrible and could hear how much reflection it was causing. It was something that i think i can fix by moving the equipment. 

I live in Orange County California so i'm certain there are some places in my area that have the ability of demoing products. 

I think what i'm really struggling with is how does one know they are going in the right direction with their system?
Now, i know that is a loaded question and leading towards a potentially dumb one. But, how do people demo products on equipment that is not the same as your own and build a frame of reference to. Especially if dealers are limited to which ever brands they carry.  

For example i might hear a PSaudio stack paired with some Kef speakers and it sounds good. As a inquisitor i have to ask myself, what am i hearing more of? The stack or the speakers? If i'm lucky to be able swap out the PSaudio stack for a Mcintosh stack and use the same speakers, then sure you have a bit more of a controlled variable. But what then ill still never know how either of those 2 system stack will sound on my own speakers. Not to mention if either those 2 stacks were ideal for my own speakers. 

Originally i listened to music on home theater systems. I always loved music and put this system together as a "entry level" stereo experience. 
I completely understand that i dove into an ocean of possibilities by getting into audio and probably the most ambitious hobby thus far for me. So thank you again. I know a lot of this is on me to do the research reading and scientific development sound.


I’m pleased with the sound but not emotionally thrilled especially from the digital playback. Vinyl does sound have a lot of life depending on the recording.

Yes analog (and tubes) are inherently better at this.

This is why I’m asking for help, I don’t have the experience with components to understand the relationship between components.  

The relationship is everything matters. There is no one single thing you can change that will miraculously make your system emotionally enjoyable. That's the bad news. The good news is everything you change can make it better- you just have to make sure it moves you the direction you want to go.

Right now you know your turntable is the best component. You already have noticed that. Also already noticed some recordings are more involving than others. What you want to do is build on that. Pay close attention to what it is that you like. My bet is it will have nothing to do with frequency response or any of the other things everyone likes to measure. My bet is you will be saying, "I don't know. I just like the feeling."

Which is fine. So what you do is use that to go looking for more things that help amp up that feeling. Tubes are inherently better at this so that might be one way to go. AudioQuest is technically good wire but a little thin emotionally. Synergistic Research is a whole lot more. So that might be another way to go.

Imaging plays a part. The feeling its really right there in front of you. Side wall reflections impact this and between the close side wall and the CD rack you got it bad. Even the records leaned against the wall. I did that one time and a friend noticed the image was worse on that side. This in spite of the fact they were a lot further away. Look at my room If we could hear one record leaned against the wall 7 feet away then for sure its a problem in yours.

No one thing in itself is the answer. Some might hardly be noticeable, some might be big, but no one in itself is gonna catapult you to audiophile nirvana. If that was the case you would already be there. You do after all have the most essential component, the turntable.

How much access do you have to audition gear in person in stores in your area?