Add cartridge to current lineup

I currently have a digitally based system: Innuos Zen Mk3, Lampizator Golden Atlantic TRP, First Sound Paramount preamp, Threshold SA/1 monos and Magnepan 20.7s.  Main preamp is out of system now and may have to be repaired (separate thread), so I figured it may be a good time to try some analog components I purchased a while ago before focusing on digital. 

I have never done analog before, but have a Rega P3-24 table with separate PSU (but no cartridge), Hagerman Trumpet preamp (tall boy with 8 tubes on top) and a NIB PS Audio GCPH preamp.  This equipment has essentially been boxed up for a long time and I realize may not be well matched.  Will primarily be listening to jazz (Miles, Metheny, Jarrett, etc.).  Any cartridge recommendations that will work well with my existing equipment or open to potentially selling component(s) and funding a better starting point.  Thanks for your time and assistance.   

Showing 1 response by yeti42

An Audio Technica VM95c or e would seem a good enough place to start and won’t strain the budget.