Adcom Gia 555ii amp and gfp 565 preamp

I recently purchased these in like new condition, the downside is that they have been in storage for about 14 years. Is there anything I should do before hooking them up and turning them on?                   Sorry, it is a gfa 555 ii amp
Do you know the environmental condition of the storage area?  If conditioned were 70 degrees +or - a bit. If so, I would do a few things first.  Open the cases and perform a visual inspection of each device.   If the capacitors are swollen and leaking material, this would be bad. Now, if you only find dust and age related debris, plugged that puppy in and rock.  

None of the above is based on a Electrical Engineering Degree, just years of "Get It Done" and are you kidding "it Worked".
Inside climate controlled storage in boxes. There literally is not even any dust inside and I looked at the four main capacitors on the amp and they seem to be holding in there but there is no doubt in my mind they should probably be replaced on age alone at some point. Haven’t looked at the preamp yet.
Well, I fired them up and am not disappointed. I think that they sound great! The amp capacitors seem to still be storing power well and the units are spotless, in and out. I realize that it is lower end stuff comparatively, but I am happy with it. Thank you guys for your responses and advice. This is a cool site.