ADCOM GFA 555ii repair

The left channel on my adcom gfa 555ii stopped working. I noticed a blown fuse and replaced it but that didn't solve the problem. How do I find a dealer in CT that can take a look? 


Well, in CT if you find a repair place you're looking at probably $100 - $150 for a repair bill. That's not saying all the other aging stuff in the amp is OK. It really may be the most cost effective to look into a newer used amp. Two Hundred watt amps abound on the used market here. The Adcom amp was a good value in its day, I had 2 of them, but you may be very happy with some of these Class D amps out today.

Do whatever it takes to repair it and move on. This ADCOM GFA 555 was designed by Nelson Pass and is one of the best sounding old amps you can buy. Partner it with a very good sounding pre amp and youll see what i mean by gorgeous sound.



Matt M

If you do repair and keep it, I highly recommend using some type of power conditioner on it. I found a HUGE difference when I plugged my 555' into a Power Wedge from their time.