Active speakers for a large room

Hi, I am looking to replace my front pair of 17 year old Genelec 1029a active speakers, with 2 active speakers which must be undeniably superior to the old ones. Relevant information:

- the room is large, 36ft x 30ft x 12ft.
- We are seldom in the ideal listening position, so would prefer something multidirectional and immersive. Stereo imaging is of lesser importance. We are usually at least 10ft away from the nearest speaker, often to the side. 
- music genres are varied, including rock; jazz; classical
- I prefer a clean, revealing sound.
- the new speakers would be used in conjunction with a pair of REL Habitat subwoofers, which are very musical and would probably handle frequencies below around 75Hz. So, I think it would be a waste of money to pay for deep bass.
- connections are balanced (XLR) and there is in wall wiring. I prefer to keep it that way.
- stereo passes through an RME ADI DAC
- for movies, which are much less important, there are 3 more Genelec 1029a´s and a Primare P30 AV processor (which is in bypass mode for stereo)
- budget is up to $2,500 for the pair

Your help is appreciated and I look forward to seeing your thoughts. Cheers


Showing 1 response by amazon2008

Came across your post - in a similar boat  - can you also post a pic if possible on how you placed your speakers - do you get enough clarity and loudness in the room of that size with these speakers - they seem small for the space - thank you!