Active Speakers Better? No, per Michael Borresen

The best sounding speaker I have had the pleasure to hear is made by Borresen.

I recently spent time with Michael Borresen in Seattle at a show. It was slow so

I was able to speak with him for a time. I asked him if he plans an active speaker. 

His answer was a definitive and immediate "No". He said separates sound better.


His statement flies in the face of what passes in most audio corners as commonly recognized facts. 


Sadly I am too technically challenged to convey any of his further explanation.


I invite all intelligent commentary on this question. Theoretical or not.


Showing 1 response by twoleftears

Remember, Borresen is also Ansuz cables and power supplies and Aavik amplifiers, so if he's really taking that stance, it's worthy of note.

In contrast, YG Acoustics just teamed up with Bel Canto and Cambridge Acoustic Sciences to produce the Vantage Live line of fully active speakers.