Acoustical music

Looking for some acoustical music suggestions.

would have to be ones that are on vinyl only since that is my only source .

Showing 2 responses by inna

I can't believe it - someone else likes Handful of Beauty too. Composition called 'India' is a masterpeace and another long cut on side B is close to it.
Dead Can Dance - Into the Labyrinth
Dead Can Dance - Toward the Within
Al Di Meola - Cielo e Terra
Paco de Lucia - Siroco ( analog recording/digital mastering, sounds closer to digital to my ear but it is his best album ).
John McLaughlin Trio - Live at Royal Festival Hall ( digital ).
Passion Grace&Fire is spectacular, all digital though. Get original Japanese pressing, I saw a few on ebay and discogs. The same for the Shakti - good analog recording and mastering.
Cielo e Terra - American or Canadian first run ( thicker vinyl ) is good. German, Dutch - NOT DMM - are good. Japanese is best, hard to find, I saw one on Discogs for $50 from Canada.
Dead Can Dance - original UK, I didn't try any reissues.
Siroco - Japanese best, saw one on Discogs from Spain, German good.