Did you tell him it was 3-way speaker? Did you tell him it was Revel? Well, whatever Lee says, that's it I guess. He knows what he's talking about...he designed these cables after all. But for me he recommended Satori Shotgun when I said it was for a 3-way design B&W Nautilus 803. Anyway, try both and see which one you like better. FWIW Satori Shotgun is not the same as Satori not only because it is a double run but because he tunes the cables for specific frequencies(according to him).
I haven't tried the HologramII bi-wires, but am very happy with the Satori Shotgun. You can borrow cables from cable company and try. Go to www.fatwyre.com or give them a call at 1-800-fatwyre
Good Luck.