acoustic system resonators

does anyone have any expierence with acoustic resonators?are they worth looking into?
Kal, we are dealing with what we hear, not with what a sample hears. This is not science but rather preference. If you don't like what you hear with the resonators assuming you can overcome your predilections, that is fine and were I to hear of it, I would have to weigh it against what others have said.

I sought an experiment at the RMAF in which the resonators were removed so that I might hear with and without, but owner of the suite was unwilling to do this as he was primarily selling electronics and speakers.
I am unaware of any evidence to ignore. I see lots of anecdotal reports, none of them any more convincing to me than my own. Aside from that, have you any evidence? (And, yes, I have read the puffery in that so-called lab report.)

Your statements about the symmetry of predisposition are well taken but those are partly defined by our personal philosophies. Mine, as I said, is conservative in these matters but I am fully prepared to change, given cause.

Kal, as a scientist also, I am ever mindful that every discipline sets its own paradigm as to what is true, and tends to disregard contrary evidence until it is overwhelming.

I am also mindful that believing something can make no difference also predisposes one to not seeing or hearing something showing a difference. Perceptions of reality work both ways.
As a scientist (and one involved in the study of the brain), I am very aware of the perceptual mechanisms to which we are all subject. Thus, my belief system is very restrained. People who believe these things work are right: They perceive it as real. OTOH, that does not necessarily mean it is.

Kal (who will reserve judgement until there's proof or demonstration, both of which he is unlikely to see)
I have the halographs, 2 pair, Shun Mook mpingo disks, Brilliant Pebbles, and the H-Cat line stage with its WTC. All of these interact. I will not spend time talking about when I had RoomLens, diffusors, TubeTraps, etc. They are all gone. I have largely removed my Shun Mooks and now only use a pair of the Halographs. This was the result of my removing everything and setting the WTC for its best and then reintroducing what was removed one at a time. This all took a long time and thus I am hesitant to redo this with the resonators. I have many friends, however, who swear by them. Hearing their experiences, I don't really care whether present science can explain how they work.

A brilliant and incredibly advanced human summed it up many years ago:"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

--From Hamlet (I, v, 166-167)

There are many things in this industry which defy rational of empirical reasoning, like a 1 m interconnect making a difference or power cords, or vibration isolation devices.

To Kr4 try them you will be amazed or try not, they work!
If I believe only things that I understand then my belief system would be very limited. The reality is; we all believe things we don't understand all the time. I don't know if these things work or not. I'm only stating that I will with hold my opinion until/if I experience them. It just seems to me that prejudging them is meaningless. Now if you've experienced these things and feel that their effect is voodoo then that's another matter so my apologies to Kr4. There are others however that found them effective. They are pretty little things though.
Rja wrote: "I know absolutely nothing about them, but is a show environment the best place to critically evaluate anything?" Of course not. The only reason I responded is to indicate that this discussion is not my first exposure to the devices. I did get a chance to speak with someone from the company, as well.

I know absolutely nothing about them, but is a show environment the best place to critically evaluate anything?
And no, I don't want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge, too old fashioned looking for me. I like retro but not that retro plus I dont have the space for it right now.
Has anybody measured the output of a whole system with and without these things and reported the difference? It seems if its audible it should be measurable.
Yes. At an audio show.

Besides, having a completely uncritical mind makes you a customer for buy the Brooklyn Bridge. Not all ideas deserve equal respect.

A certain amount of skepticism is a healthy thing, but too much can make us blind to new things. Ah, where is the balance grasshopper?
These things may work, I will not judge them until I experience them myself. A priori judgements only reflect prejudice and preconceived notions.
Those of you who are closed to the idea, have experienced the resonators?
Reviewers also buy Audiophile pebbles, and Clever Clocks so take it with a grain of salt, in this hobby believing is hearing, in the real world its the other way around.
As I said, I read the French paper and did not find it convincing. More like a proposition to do more work for the client by a company whose expertise seems not particularly focussed on audio.


Kal many of the top reviewers are buying the resonators in droves, Clemment Perry is a believer so is Sarjan and his reviewers and the list is growing.

The French paper clearly shows the resonators are affecting the space they are in and are absoribing and redirecting other frequencies. The French test was a quantative test and not a qualatative test, for that you go to the reviewers.

All I know is I heard em, and I didn't want to, I purchased them when I clearly didn't want to, and I believe because they work.

I had a well known recording engineer who works for Sony over to my shop and I did the demo and he clearly heard how well these things work.

I have also tried Margio dots and many other things over the years and very few of those things work, the resonators are magical.
Scientifically tested? If you mean that wall-paper from the French lab, it is much less than convincing.

Spittoons eh! Them's fighting words.

It is I the infamous, Audio oracle with Acoustic system resonators inside info.

Yes these things work, in fact they are scary effective!

I discovered the resonators from my good friend Clemment Perry who has been in love with these things. He did a demo for me and the sound with them was amazing, he took one Platinium away from the middle position and the image just collapsed.

The inventor of the resonators came to my house and did a setup and lo and behold even my non-audiophile wife heard a dramatic difference with the resonators.

These things have been scientifically tested and they work, so well in fact that a full resonator setup may be one of the greatest improvements in musical involvement that there is!

A system setup with resonators has a palpable realness and the soundstage is both wider and more focused.

The resonators work because they are based on real acoustical theories.
They are very effective. They really change the soundprint of your system, and you could play a lot with them. They not cheap, but what is cheap in this hobby? The point is, whether you need the change they do and, more importantly, whether you like what they do.
They look like spittoons for insects to me. It's hard to imagine how you could possibly justify their cost...
