Acos lustre GST-801 P2S distance?

Hello experience audiogoner.

Does anyone know what is the correct Pivot to Spindle distance for this arm please?

I am planning to install it on my Empire turntable.

Thank you for your help.



Showing 4 responses by dangcaonguyen

Never mind,

I found the specs online. Effective length is 240mm, and overhang is 15mm.

So p2s distance is 225mm.


Thanks for the detailed informative post. The provided link of the tonearm for sale is the one I purchased. One more question: is the Denon DL103 a good match for this tonearm? Any recommendation for a MM cartridge for this tonearm?

I have set up several turntables myself in the past. I am confident that I could do it this time. I will post questions when problems arise.
