Accuracy vs. Enjoyment

Would you rather have a system that accurately portrays the grooves (or pits) in the record or CD,
or one which sounds good on the majority of discs?
Acknowledging that not all media are created equal, the best system will sound best on the best, most accurate discs.  But what if the great majority of average sounding discs don’t measure up, and indeed are annoying compared to the best?
What then?


Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Hmmmm, so I make my own loudspeakers so therefore can measure them fairly well in terms of frequency response and distortion. They are objectively pretty close to neutral, with no sweetening peaks and valleys that are often the darlings of high end reviewers. 


That has pluses and minuses. Plus: Plays all music and movies reasonably well. My god do they play movies well! 

Minus: Does not thrill you with enhanced vocals, or rock n roll rhythms. 

Also requires a certain amount of volume before they sound their best. 

So, as before, I think tone controls should be used more. 
