Accuphase E650 and E470 voltage conversion

Hi there, I have an E470 on 220v, I'd like to see if it can be changed to accommodate either 230v or 240v (preferred).

May I get some advise if this can be done and how to go about it?

Currently using the E470 with a regulator, but I'd really love to get away with using the regulator, thanks and much appreciated for any guidance

I am using regulator because in my country the voltage is 240v and at times it goes up to 251v (highest that I seen), but most of the time it's hovering at 243-248v
The Accuphase marked 220V should be able to accept 207V - 253V. If you live in UK, 216.2V – 253.0V is within the acceptable range, otherwise you should contact your power company. 

Hope this helps
That's really good to know, as I see the mark behind the power input it only states 220v, but are you advising that it is safe to run up to even 240v with some tolerance of +/- %, I am using regulator because in my country the voltage is 240v and at times it goes up to 251v (highest that I seen), but most of the time it's hovering at 243-248v

It just tickle with me on the voltage, grrrr
The Accuphase E650 and E470 come with three voltage setting: 100V, 120V and 220V-240V. If your amplifier is set to 220V, it is safe to powered between 220 to 240V and no need to use a regulator.