Accuphase AC-3 Re-tip new cantilever vs new purchase?

I was looking at a used Accuphase and sending it out for a new stylus and cantilever.

I wonder if this is a good use of 2k or if I should be looking for a new cartridge in the same price range that would provide the same quality.

Does anyone have experience with the Accuphase AC-3? Or an opinion about its quality compared to new products on the market?

Thanks for the advice.


Showing 2 responses by lewm

Doesn't it all boil down to how much you have to pay for the Accuphase vs whether you have prior experience to suggest you like that particular cartridge vs what is the condition?  If you estimate the total cost after "re-tipping" (a euphemism for either replacing the stylus only or replacing both the stylus and cantilever) to be around $2K, that to me suggests you are looking at paying at least $1500 for the cartridge alone.  I have no solid idea what an Accuphase AC3 ought to cost, but that seems high for one that needs repair.  Others may know better. Then there is the question of why you are choosing this particular cartridge.