Accidental improvement in

I had family and friends over this weekend, my dad has a nice system and two members came down for a couple days. We had more people than rooms and one friend stayed in my listening room on an air bed (Queen size) the kind that comes with a electric pump and folds into a gym bag, $40.00 at Walmart.....anyway, during the day he rested it against back wall behind speakers. We went down for some serious listening and he asked if he should move it, thinking it would be easy to just leave it there we fired things up (I figured if it made the sound bad we would move it) now this Air Bed has dimples that look like where the springs would be and it has a sort of suede finish and I am probably going to be laughed at but the system never sounded so good, less smear and HF glare, maybe ot also asted as a sort of bass treatment too, so I wonder if folks would maybe try this if they have an air bed and report what you hear.........I think it made a nice improvement (or we just simply had a great time and my mood made everything sound great) Cheers
I use two twin bed matresses at the first reflecting point of my speakers. (one in front of each on the opposing wall) Huge difference. My wife is so understanding.

The air bed was against the wall behind the speakers in a dedicated room so as far as how it looks that doesnt matter much (most of the time), I am going to try it with mine if I can find where it is stashed, just moved so there are a few unknowns :)
I non-accidentally added some blow-up devices with unique dimples and some uh, inverse accouterments. They all sound great [no whining to turn it down] and always someone to 'listen' with. The blonde is better on the floor. YMMV.