According to David Blair at Custom Power Cord, the order of upgrading should be: 1) CD player 2) preamp 3) power amp. His power cords have won T.A.S. Golden Ear Award (Top Gun)! I highly recommend the Top Gun (there are three versions, depending upon the current draw of the component).` The entry level Model 11 is also an excellent choice if your budget won't let you spring for a Top Gun set up. Happy Tunes!
AC Power cords, which components 1st...?
I've been lying in the background with regard to upgrading power cords and I'm now thinking that I might give it a try. I fully subscribe to the laws of diminishing returns with the exponential (if not worse) price curves of these products. Therefore, I'd be looking in the $50 - $250 dollar price range. I don't need long cables (3 - 4 ft should work) and that may help the price point. Pre-owned is fine with me as well.
Given that, which components first? power amps, pre-amp, source...? and, any thought on power cord given my predisposition?
Aloia power amps, Casanova pre/pro. Capitole MKII (soon, I hope).
Given that, which components first? power amps, pre-amp, source...? and, any thought on power cord given my predisposition?
Aloia power amps, Casanova pre/pro. Capitole MKII (soon, I hope).