AC Dedicated Line

Hello guys
I will run three (3) dedicated AC power lines: one for my stereo system (power amp, preamp, DAC, etc) and two for my stereo subwoofers (one line for each one).

These three circuits will be connected directly to the main AC board of the Electrical Comany wich provides me the service right at my door.

They will all share the same ground cable, wich I will connect to a dedicated ground bar, but I would like your opinion about sharing the "same neutral line" on these circuits. Could it affect the sound quality? 

If I have to send three different neutral cables, one for each circuit, I will need more cable to run through the house and it will be more expensive and complicated.

Please I would appreciate responses with real experiences. I don't want to start a technical discussion. I know at the end, in the main board, they all will share the same neutral line, so electrically it should be the same, but in this crazy audio world who knows for sure if soundwise it will be the same....

PS: by the way, I will run 4 or 6 mm2 cables (I guess about 11 to 9 AWG on the US scale). Here in Argentina we measure cables by square millimitres.

Showing 3 responses by jea48

he reworked the single panel, keeping the larger draw appliances "away" from the music lines in, on the opposite side of the panel.

Well, that’s a new one.

Behind the panel where most never look are two great big bus bars. All the breakers attach to the bus bars. These things are so thick it can’t matter where on the bar you take off.
How about the magnetic field surrounding the breaker? Will the magnetic field be stronger in a higher current loaded breaker than one with a small connected load? How about them harmonics on the circuit?

All the circuits, every single one of them, they are all just as electrically connected to every other circuit on one side as on another. The only thing putting a lot of them on one leg can accomplish is to draw more from that leg.

What’s the average connected load of a typical audio system? 8 to 10 amps tops?

Why install all dedicated circuits on the same Line, Leg?

"Less than 300 microamps of ground loop current can cause hum as it flows in an unbalanced audio interconnect cable. However, harmonics of 60Hz that are generated from lighting dimmers or switch-mode power supplies sound like Buzzz mixed with a bit of Hummm and are more easily coupled by even smaller currents. Harmonics can add together when equipment is powered from different phases, so clearly there is an advantage to specifying same-phase electrical service to power the electronics systems in most cases....

Any leakage currents on the safety ground wires of split single phase load circuits fed by different phase legs will add together due to the 240V potential difference....

Power conditioners do not solve any of these common problems: Cross phase coupling (doubles hums & buzzes) .... What actually does solve them: Same phase power.


Split Single Phase electrical service is most commonly found in residences and smaller commercial buildings, and is commonly used to feed AV equipment. One key advantage that single phase has over three phase is that while harmonic currents are still present, it is not possible for the �triplen� components to add in the neutral. In addition, use of split single phase can result in at least a 6dB reduction in noise floor as compared to three phase if the capacitances of the connected equipment are relatively well balanced. However, any leakage currents on the safety ground wires of split single phase load circuits fed by different phase legs will add together due to the 240V potential difference."

plga said:
I will connect the line to the main breaker of the Electrical Company who supplies me the service. Not the street!!!  I meant I will by pass my house's main breaker.

I will connect a dedicated positive, a neutral and ground. The latest will be connected to a new copper bar, wich I will bury on the ground.
Total length, distance, of the new dedicated branch circuit wiring?

plga said:
I will only connect my system to the line, not the subwoofers.
Where will you feed the subs from?
How are the subs connected to the system?
From what you have described you are doing, (if I understand you correctly), you will more than likely end up with a ground loop, and subsequently a ground loop hum.
