AC Dedicated Line

Hello guys
I will run three (3) dedicated AC power lines: one for my stereo system (power amp, preamp, DAC, etc) and two for my stereo subwoofers (one line for each one).

These three circuits will be connected directly to the main AC board of the Electrical Comany wich provides me the service right at my door.

They will all share the same ground cable, wich I will connect to a dedicated ground bar, but I would like your opinion about sharing the "same neutral line" on these circuits. Could it affect the sound quality? 

If I have to send three different neutral cables, one for each circuit, I will need more cable to run through the house and it will be more expensive and complicated.

Please I would appreciate responses with real experiences. I don't want to start a technical discussion. I know at the end, in the main board, they all will share the same neutral line, so electrically it should be the same, but in this crazy audio world who knows for sure if soundwise it will be the same....

PS: by the way, I will run 4 or 6 mm2 cables (I guess about 11 to 9 AWG on the US scale). Here in Argentina we measure cables by square millimitres.

Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

Ignoring science, just instinct,

I keep my amp and preamp on one dedicated circuit, and all the source equipment powered from any household outlet on any circuit without equipment that surges on/off like refrigerators, fans, compressors ...