AC cables for JRDG 201 monoblocks n' Esoteric DAC


My system consists of the Wadia iPod dock onto Esoteric D-07x PreDac driving directly my JRDG 201 monoblocks onto Sonus Faber Liuto Towers.

I'm after AC cords for the Esoteric D-07x and the JRDG 201's. I want neutral cords and are willing to pay around $500 each on the used market. Open for suggestions, but please advise why you suggest the cord's..

Hi Ziffle, I am very fond of Esoteric and Rowland electronics. on my entire system, which includes an Esoteric X-01, Rowland criterion, Rowland M725 monoblocks, and Rowland M312 stereo amp, I found some of my favorite results were with Shunyata PCs, and with one particular Furutech series: the EVO II.

I am always looking for what I call the goldielockian sweet spot.... extension but not shrill treble nor overblown bass, evenness across the spectrum but not leanness... Harmonic texture, but not coloration.

At degrees commensurate with their price points, I found these characteristics in the Shunyata products and in the Furutech II.

On the Shunyata line, I would suggest you look at Python CX or Z-tron, depending on your ultimate budget.

Having said all of this, I am intrigued by various reports on Audiogon about the HiDiamond PCs.... From what has been written this far, they might be worth investigating.

Hope this helps, Guido
I use a Shunyata Diamondback Platinum power cord plugged into a Shunyata Hydra 4 power conditioner on my Esoteric UX-3 Multiformat player. The sound is sublime.