Absolutely beautiful gear

I would never buy something because of how it looked, but I have seen a few things that stopped me in my tracks. Since there is currently an ugly gear thread I wonder what people have seen that they think is gorgeous???

I was stunned by how beautiful the Teres 360 with the custom base was when I saw it in Denver. See Alberts pictures!
Pathos gear, and the Qinpu A-8000 amp. Song Audio. Klyne preamps with
the cover off.
Love the Teres, that's almost audio porn, no?

I also find the Cary V-12R, Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario, VAC Renaissance Signature Preamplifier mk II, Manley Stingray integrated amp, Shunyata Hydra (original) power conditioner, and Jena Labs cables to be some mighty attractive pieces.

A thread like this is bound to prove the adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nonetheless, I second Sonus Faber and also nominate the Hovland amps and preamps.
Art Audio amps with the blue LED crystals at night. Guarneri's and McIntosh also.