
Responses from steve5725

Aesthetix Calypso vs. Hovland HP 100
Although I've not compared these exact two models, I have had the opportunity to hear both the Calypso and the Hovland HP200 in my system. For what its worth, IMHO the HP200 is a very clear notch above the Calypso. But it's also somewhat more expe... 
Best amplifier for Sonus Faber Concerto Home??
I'd think you might want to look into Ayre. Great gear that is perhaps a bit on the "clinical" (whatever that is understood to mean by now) side. And though I'm not a huge fan of either, given your stated preferences MF and Naim are reasonable sug... 
Absolutely beautiful gear
A thread like this is bound to prove the adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nonetheless, I second Sonus Faber and also nominate the Hovland amps and preamps. 
Playing with the idea of solid state amps
I too have had a long held bias (no pun intended) for tubes, but there are some very nice SS amps out there. I respect Ayre and Sim Audio but they are not quite my cup of tea. I think the McCormack is very good. My favorite, though, enough so that... 
audiophiles or retrophiles
Unless I'm misreading his post, it appears donbellphd feels that many of the denizens of this site are "retrophiles" that unfairly bash any new technology that comes along and cling desperately to their quaint tubes and tables. Well, first of all,... 
Audience Au24 vs. Shunyata Aries IC
OK, with the usual caveat that cabling issues are very system dependent, I can tell you that I've heard both of these in my system and clearly preferred the Aries. (Actually I really like the Shunyata Altair but that wasn't your question.) To my e... 
Sonus Faber Sound?
I have a pair of Cremonas and find them to be very well balanced. I will join the chorus and say a touch warm but not dark. Very detailed but not "ruthlessly revealing". The highs are excellent as well, and though I would not call them particularl... 
Balanced preamp recommendations
Thanks for the input everyone. I am not dead set on going balanced, it's just that my other equipment all has balanced connections and I am curious as to the improvement it may (or may not) make. In particular, I have been told that my ARC CD3Mkii... 
Musical Fidelity Tri-vista 21 DAC
I think this is an excellent DAC. I auditioned it against some well regarded and somewhat similarly priced units (another DAC and some one-box players, including the Arcam FMJ33). I think MSRP is $2400. Anyway, the Tri-Vista was my favorite of the...