Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?

Ok, I'm looking to upgrade my CD Player. It's the last part of my uber-headphone system and I'm hoping to get the best player possible for under $12k used. I know that affords me alot of options, and I imagine I'll do some travelling and testing before I buy, but I wanted some opinions first. Right now, these are the main ones I'm considering:

*Reimyo CDP-777
*Linn Sondek CD12
*Naim CDS3/XPS2
*Wadia 270/27
*Wadia 861se w/Statement mod from GNSC
*Meridian 808
*EMM Labs Meitner CDSD/Dac6
*Esoteric DV-50 with full mods from Reference Audio Mods
*Classe Omega SACD

I'm not so much into characteristics - the overall performance is more important for me. But I do need a player with great bass (both in extension, detail, and volume) as my headphones are a bit bass shy. Any reviews/comparisons would be much appreciated.
>>Cars and stereos are not apples to apples.<<

It was a metaphor to show the absurdity of an $8000 platform and a $3000 cdp. Duh!

I agree. Only God is all knowing or mother earth or whatever floats your boat, but people clearly have a limited point of view.

Cars and stereos are not apples to apples.

And opinions are like $%#@holes, everyones got one.
Some of your responses really make me smile.

It is really fascinating how the relativist always thinks their opinions rein supreme. But why would they think thus? Are they not the first to admit truth does not exist and that nobody can know it? By their own admission, at best their opinions are no better than any other. At worst, they are dead wrong.

I'd like to see how they balance their checkbooks and what they might say to the bank rep when the numbers don't match. -Connie
Judy, to be more precise, as the Hugo is sadly no longer in production, we all mount 8K cryotreated contact-enhanced tires on our NOS Hugos. Sorry. . . tis a matter of 'pride of ownership'.
$8000 platforms with a $3000 player. Hmmmmm, I'll bet you guys mount $5000 racing tires on your Yugos too. Same rationale.
Hmmm, Norm, yet think of the savings. . . the D-01 DACs are only half chassis boxes. This means that you will require only 4 Halcyonics for your front end instead of 5. So the front end would cost only 56K + 28K for the platforms = 84K. Oh Wow, that's a full 7.5K savings!
Oh never mind, I forgot to take into account PCs and digital ICs.
Guidocorona, at CES the five box Teac did sound very good and outperformed the lesser versions. Of course, I will never try it in my system. Given the performance of the Exemplar 5910 on the Halcyonics base, it would be an interesting question whether it would be better to buy the Exemplar and Halcyonic or go all out for the Teac. I suspect it would be the Exemplar/Halcyonic. All I know is that the Halcyonic will go under whatever digital I have, including the VRS were I to go that way.
Busypk: on the same isolation platforms, in the same room, same equipment, etc., including break-in and/or warm-up time? (and with the most recent 3910 mods) If the answer is "yes", I would love to hear specifics about what you heard. That would be very helpful. Thanks

You do realize there is almost no limit to how pricy these get, and pretty much every other audio component. As long as there are people that want to drop large sums of money, there will be companies that will make the product whether it's worth it or not.
Busypk i have no intent to do that, nor did I make such a statement. I simply meant to imply that if you are happy with what you have, who am I to criticize you, unless of course you ask to be critiqued by me. with respect audioezra
Judy concerning the 8,000.00 platform and the denon cdp, It would not be my choice, but if it makes some one else happy wonderful thats is what we all want.
CDP for over 50K? No prob Calanctus. . . try the 5-box Teac Esoteric stack: P01 transport with separate PS, D-01 mono DACs (you need 2 of these, G0S Rubidium clock,
Why not just put a down payment on a house. Rent it out and as it gains equity buy a $50k CD player. Just a suggestion.
audioezra, you'd be crazy to buy a modded denon cdp, with any isolation base, over the remiyp cdp. I've heard the exemplar 3910 and a reimyo, both on isolation platforms, the reimyo is by far the more musical, not a contest IMHO
Audioezra, there are a dozens of ways to spend $11,000 and get better sonics from a cdp/isolation combo than that cheap modded Denon and Halcyonics platform. You really can't be serious.
My short answer ( I don't ) was not a response to the remiyo but was misplaced. It was in response to the question ( do you have a problem with an $8000.00 isolation platform with a $3000.00 cd player ) sorry for any confusion I may have caused. I hold the Remiyo cpd777 in highest esteem.

Just out of curiosity, where can the Reimyo be purchased for under $12k new?

What's up No1willfan. I don't think you can't find a Reimyo under $12K NEW but doesn't hurt to try. Try this web, Artistic Audio. I deal with him before, very nice guy, very good deal's, his name is Brian. I think he sell the Reimyo for $13K, I'm sure he can give you a better price, who know's. Money talk BS walk. Hope this help. Here a LINK.

Do a search for Reimyo dealers in Yahoo. E-mail the dealers; they will have you call them for a price. I don't wish to get anyone in trouble.

RE Splaskin:
Just out of curiosity, where can the Reimyo be purchased for under $12k new?
RE Robm321:
No, I'm not going to be buying blind. I have already taken a few trips to test out some of these players (I've heard the Reimyo, EMM Labs combo, and dCS combo so far). I mainly started this thread to get suggestions on what players to look out for and what to listen for. Even when using my own ears for the final decision I always find good reviews and comparisons helpful.

And a sincere thanks to everyone who's given suggestions and reviews. I've yet to find another place that has such a large amount of well informed audiophiles (with apparantly huge wallets! :D ).
Gotcha. Wow tough decision. Reimyo would be a must audition then if you can. $12k is a lot to be dropping just based on our opinion. I guess if you buy used you could always sell it if you change your mind. I've never heard it, but everyone (indluding outside of audiogon) has great things to say about this player.
RE Robm321:
I meant under $12k USED. I can easily find one used for that price. I think there's on up on Audiogon now for $11k.
The player is $15,500 without AC cord unless it has recently increased in price. It can be purchased for under $12K new or for less used if you shop around.

I just mentioned the $17k since the thread is CDP under $12k. I know I'm being anal, but I'm guessing $12k was NO1willfan's budget limit.
I'm definitely now leaning towards the Reimyo. I heard the EMM Labs combo yesterday and while it was extraordinary I really think the Reimyo has it beat when it comes to musicality - which in my book nearly trumps all. I still have some more players to try out, but the more I've heard the Reimyo, the more impressed I've been with it.
You are right, Robm, but obviously many find it worth it. I love it but could not bring myself to buy one especially as I want to have SACD capability, necessitating another expensive unit. There are certainly other more expensive digital front ends that I find do not equal the Reimyo even comparing SACDs to cds.

The Reimyo CDP777 is very special. It is so musical, that I actually look forward to listening to CDs. In fact, I find that CDs reproduced on it are as musically satisfying as the SACD or DVD-A. Only vinyl still outperforms the CDP-777 in my system.

Right on Splaskin. The Reimyo CDP-777 is a VERY special player. I hear few TOP SACD player's in my system before I decided to go with the Reimyo, there not much differences when listed to SACD on the others player's matter of fact to me The Reimyo sounds much better, detail, beautiful midrange, dynamic, open, well balance top to bottom, musicality and thundering impact!. even thought the Reimyo is NOT a SACD player it performance is Incredible! You must hear the CDP777 unit to appreciate the palatability of the music sounds. They reproduce words that cannot describe the experience. In my personal opinion the Reimyo CDP777 is one of the best single box CDP money can buy.

No1willfan if you come across to try them all on your system you should cause that's the REAL Test, Hearing is Believing!

Good Luck.
Ask Bwhite what he thinks, you might be very surprised and could save yourself $8k.
The Reimyo CDP777 is very special. It is so musical, that I actually look forward to listening to CDs. In fact, I find that CDs reproduced on it are as musically satisfying as the SACD or DVD-A. Only vinyl still outperforms the CDP-777 in my system.


Hello No1willfan,

The Mighty Reimyo CDP-777 no doubt, I own one my self. This is the BEST single box player that I ever heard in my system, PERIOD.... also if you don't want to spend that much money then my second favorite one is the CLASSE OMEGA SACD, very good player as well with AMAZING! Midrange, but the Reimyo CDP777 is untouchable!

Hope this help. Good luck.
Yes, 911 and Katrina scared people to evacuate. After Rita, no one will leave. I prepared most of yesterday for an overcast day with some wind. At least it is somewhat cooler.
'Tis the hurricane season Norm. . . this too will blow away. enjoy your Halcyonic!
Use your own ears is always the best thing to do.

Most threads turn ugly now days.
Boy, this thread turned ugly. Far from my intention. But I'm sincerely thankful for the suggestions and reviews. I just traveled to Dallas a few days ago to try out the Reimyo and and the dCS (knew some guys that had them) and I must say I was supremely impressed with both. The dCS was outstanding but a little out of my price range. The Reimyo was just as good, and in fact I think I preferred it, and well in my price range if I wait long enough. I need to find someone that has the CD12 and the Meitner combo near me now.
>>Alcohol after all is known to intensify one's musical experience<<

Only for the short term Guido. You're much better off as you are. Stay the course.
Ah Judy, that really hurt! Unfortunately I am largely abstinent, so I hardly ever experience the benefits of an altered state. . . would like to more often, though . . .
Alcohol after all is known to intensify one's musical experience.
Actually, The "I say it the way it is" syndrome in phycology is nothing more than a dilusion of graduer. My Dad's been using it all his life to his own detriment. He's finally coming around.

I think only God can say "I say it the way it is". Since, you would have to be all knowing to really do that. Everything else is just an opinion from a limited perspective.

I'm just saying it the way it is Judy426 ;)
>>"I tell it like it is. Humility and diplomacy are for politicians and weaklings."

What an absolutely stupid comment. Did you fire up all two brain cells to come up with that one? If you reflected before you wrote, you'd realize that humility and diplomacy are the province of the strong and wise. I've made A LOT of friends by being humble, diplomatic, and helpful. Just check my posts. By the way, for someone so critical, I find it curious that you haven't posted your system. Afraid to have some of that criticism turned back on you?
no, you tell it like you see it. the inability to see multiple points of view is a flaw of the ignorant, uneducated, and stupid.

and anyone who chooses to view the world in such absolutes is the weakling who is afraid of learning that he/she might be wrong.
I tell it like it is. Humility and diplomacy are for politicians and weaklings.
oh, yes it is. sobriety is the cause of all problems in the world today.

the world needs to get together and collectively discuss things over a pint or six.

and, while i agree with you in spirit, judy, i must suggest that an air of diplomacy or humility might take the edge off of your seemingly endless string of negative and condescending posts.