Abs Sound - Stereophile top tables ' 75-'85 are?

Hi All,
Having thrown away all my old magazines, I am wondering what the top rated turntables during this time period were. I value Agoners impressions, but would find it interesting to see what the magazine reviewers thought back then. This interest arose when, after searching for a Yamaha PX-2 based on current owners impressions, I found an Absolute Sound review from 1984 that caused me to re-think getting one.
If anyone out there has the relevant issues and is willing to list the higher rated tables it would be a boon to those of us looking for vintage models that are excellent performers.
Thanks Everybody for the info so far, several interesting models I wasn't really aware of, for which I'll keep my eyes out when turntable hunting (like the Ariston RD40 and Winn SCD-10).
If anyone is aware of the Stereophile TT ratings prior to '85, that info would be greatly appreciated as well.
okay. Here you go:

Issue #9, 1976: Editor's Choice: Technics SP-10, Kenwood KD500, Sony 2251, Sony 3000/3000a.

Issue #?, 1978: Editor's Choice: Denon DP-6000, Kenwood KD500, Denon DP-3000.

Issue #18, 6/80, Editor" choice: Linn-Sondek LP-12, The Winn SCD-10, Yamaha PX-2.

Issue #19, 9/80, Editor's Choice: same as #19, plus: Rega Planar, Denon/VPI DD hybrid.
Post removed 
I used to have a SOTA Sapphire Star (vacuum hold-down)and an ET2 tonearm. Great combo. However, when the Well-Tempered Classic came along later, I replaced the SOTA/ET2 setup with the Well-Tempered.
Linn Axis may have come about a tad later in the 80's but surely deserves a mention. Mine matched with Denon DL103R cart is still delivering some stunning sound 25 years + later. Did I just jinx myself?
Here are the turntables listed in "Recommended Components" in Stereophile volume 8 number 6 (issue 76), October 1985:

Class A: Goldmund Studio, SOTA Sapphire Star (vacuum hold-down), VPI HW-19.

Class B: Linn Sondek LP-12, SOTA Sapphire.

Class C: Acoustic Research reissue, Ariston RD-40.

Class D: Dual 505-2.

Class K (not reviewed, but "we have reason to believe may be excellent performers"): Sonographe, Dunlop Systemdek, Maplenoll, Elite Rock, Merrill.

I suspect that the Oracle turntable would have been listed in Class B or higher, except that it may not have been in production at that particular time due to financial difficulties I seem to recall the company as having.

-- Al